Year of Change
It’s been a while. Our world has been going through a significant process and change in the last few months. My life has been up and down over the last year.
A year ago, I never would have imaged where I am today. I had been anticipating change in terms of how I was practicing art therapy and psychotherapy, but the change was not how I was expected it to happen. At first I had imagined my therapy practice going slowly to private practice, and I had implemented several mechanisms to assist in this process. A new website, new contacts with another collective of therapists (The Healing Collective) – those were the focuses. Instead of private practice, I was invited to manage a program supporting women who have experienced gender-based violence. This was a different path, and I have learned a lot about myself, and how agencies work through that position.
In March Covid-19 impacted the Canadian front, and I was thrust into a new set of rules and ways of working. I shifted completely to private practice amidst this change in the world. The change has also identified how we support individuals with their mental health, which has become more widely recognized as important.
As a therapist, and as an individual, I believe that taking care of one’s mental health has a significant contribution to our lifestyle and decisions we make. I believe having a sounding board, an outside opinion, an ally, a reflector, can make a huge impact on our lives.
I am fully into private practice, and embracing this healthy way of supporting myself and others. I welcome your visits, and will be sharing more of how daily life and art contributes to how I see the world, and live in it. I am grateful that you are visiting me today. I am grateful that I can have a website and I am grateful that I can support others.
Join me.