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About Zentangle
The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We call these patterns, tangles.
You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs. These simple shapes are the "Elemental Strokes" in all Zentangle art. These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called "tiles." We call them tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics.

Zentangle art is non-representational and unplanned so you can focus on each stroke and not worry about the result. There is no up or down to Zentangle art. If fact, you can most easily create Zentangle art by rotating your tile as you tangle -- always keeping your hand in a relaxed position. You don't need to know what a tangle is going to look like to draw it. You just need to know the steps. The result is a delightful surprise. As you use the Zentangle Method to create beautiful images, you likely will enjoy increased focus, creativity, self-confidence and an increased sense well-being.

How does Zentangle work?
The Zentangle Method works because:
It is fun
It is simple to learn
Each stroke is easy to draw
There are no mistakes
There are no preplanned outcomes, yet
You always know what to do next
The result is unexpected and beautiful
All this occurs with gratitude and appreciation.

When you create with the Zentangle Method, you will also discover new skills and abilities as you create your beautiful and unexpected results. One reason is almost every person discovers they can create something unexpected and beautiful in about 15 minutes or so. That feels good, particularly for people who believed they couldn't draw. Another reason is it enables you to deliberately access a state of relaxed focus, wake up your imagination and express it creatively with confidence. According to many anecdotes, the physical, mental and emotional benefits of this are significant.

Zentangle Pricing
Zentangle 101 ($40 session; includes Starter Kit)
Come and learn this unique meditative art form where you will create beautiful images from repetitive pattern-making. Great for all ages.
Zentangle 201 ($40 session)
Learn more complex tangle patterns, expand your shading skills and explore tangle drawing techniques. Expand your tangle vocabulary with more patterns.
Meditational Zentangle
Focuses on the meditative qualities and activity of Zentangle. This is helpful in reducing stress, developing health coping mechanisms and practicing meditation. $40.00 including supplies.
Triskele Globe
Come and create a unique piece of 3D art. This incorporates beautiful Zentangle patterns, and folding into a shape that others will marvel at! Simple and Beautiful!
Contemplative Creation
The combination of meditation and Zentangle through contemplative focusing is a great way to enhance your health and creativity. This class was developed to promote the integration of contemplative activity and art. Learn a new meditation practice to enhance your life.